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Email ads in .jpeg or pdf format to Ifsc.pres@gmail.com, or mail to Langton Skating Club,

Box 250, Langton, ON NOE 1GO Please sent payments to above address, made payable to Langton Skating Club.

HOME Registration Forms Calender &  Newsletter Contacts
Design & Host: Creative Web Design TOP 53 Years of Figure Skating!   Established 1971” Celebrates Langton Skating Club Stay up to date on what's happening by following our social media  platforms! In the event of inclement weather or changes to schedules,  posts will be made asap on the Instagram and/or Facebook Page! @langtonskatingclub Our latest YouTube  Carnival Videos Check out Langtonskatingclub | Langton ON | Facebook Skate Canada Patinage Canada We Celebrated 53 Years of Skating on April 22 - 2024

"Congratulations!! Langton Skating Club has earned the EXCEEDED STANDARD in the Skate Ontario CanSkate Excellence Recognition Program.  Langton Skating Club has gone above and beyond the minimum standard guidelines set by Skate Canada, offering an exceptional program to its skaters.  A STAR will be added to our club listing on the Skate Canada Ontario website to highlight this achievement.

THANK YOU, to our CanSkate Coaches Roxanne and Tania for all your hard work!!"

 E-transfers can be made to Ifsc.payment@gmail.com Due to LSC being a non-profit organization, we cannot, unfortunately, offer a tax deduction receipt.


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